
Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

going against the grain, building new worlds (new pod)

Published about 1 year ago • 2 min read

Hello, wild heart!

Sometimes it feels like there’s an assumption that to shift our current paradigm, we have to be different than we are, dress a certain way, be seen as something specific… adopt a lifestyle aesthetic.

On some level we know that the path of changing internally as opposed to performing or being seen as, is a more uncomfortable and sometimes lonely-feeling path. So, whether it’s being “spiritual” or “minimalist” or “good” in whatever way we’re thinking we ‘need’ to be, we adopt the fake-it-til-you-make-it approach and seek to change from the outside in. We end up choosing the route that costs less initially, but is paid for over longer periods, and I would argue (from my own experience and what I see time and again with clients), in deeper ways.

Yet some sliver of wildness within us refuses to be tamed.

It continues to hunger, whisper, demand: what does it feel like to take the path of soul - to push back against what we know hurts our collective hearts, even when everyone else tries to tell us that’s just how it is and we need to make peace with it? To dream something that may never have been seen before and to build something that few people might understand?

It’s that very question that fuels my conversation with winemaker Jason Murray and artist Sandy Gray-Murray of Arterra Wines and Hawkmoth Arts in my latest podcast episode.

Sandy and Jason are two people who epitomize harmonious relationship with the land as a lifestyle, a journey, a process; not as an aesthetic but as a series of conscious choices; as an act of daily reverence - all by staying true to what they feel is theirs to do and be in the world.

In a nod to my earlier conversation (ep 5) with Dr. Shanequa Smith, Jason says, “we feel we are trying to build new systems. It’s not easy.” And it’s true.

This conversation is both inspiring and sobering - honoring the beauty of life without shying away from the challenges we face as humans at this time, and particularly as humans trying to be the change we want to see in the world.

In it you’ll hear us explore:

  • the difference between art, craft, and artisan - between product, process, and consumption;
  • how staying on your path requires shutting out the noise (and one of the most helpful tools for when the noise gets loud);
  • making tough, imperfect choices when it comes to sustainability and finding your ‘right’ way;
  • concrete examples of how Jason and Sandy live their values through the craft and process of their work;
  • why sourcing your choices from beauty and the land is such a revolutionary act… and more.

You may hear things you agree with, you may hear things that challenge you. You may hear things that are out of your daily experience and don’t slot easily into your current understanding. But as Jason says towards the end of the episode: “If you don’t, are you even talking?”

Gather with us? Forge a new path with us? Celebrate beauty with us?

I hope you will.

The world needs the biodiversity that is all of us.

With love and courage,


P.S. I spent some time in retreat around my birthday as few weeks ago and as I integrate that Divine Love-saturated experience and the rising energy of Spring, I'm feeling into and welcoming invitations to gather together around the village fire, online and in-person - all in service to our deeper heart-body-soul alignment and the power of living as Love. If you'd like to make sure you're notified of any upcoming in-person retreats and spiritual mentoring, or if you're gathering a group and would like to bring me in to guide or support part of it, reply here and let me know.

P.P.S If you're enjoying the podcast episodes and believe in these types of conversations, I'd love to hear that, too. Hit 'reply' and let me know things like: what your favorite episode(s) have been and why? What would you like to hear more of? What questions are you longing to explore? I have more great conversations coming up and would love to feel more connected with you, joining the village on the other side of the fire.

Hi! I'm Kate - an intuitive, medicine woman, and guide for embodied Presence

I care with every fiber of my being that you, a creature of soul and soil, are trying to thrive in systems not designed for you. Where ancient wounds of disconnect, inherited traumas, and misalignments with our over-culture leave you feeling out of place, too much, or like a canary in the mine, I see invitations back deeper into your own aliveness; vital next steps to a wiser, more relational future. Let’s navigate your big questions and transitions together. I’ll support you living meaningfully in this world even though you may feel like you were designed for a different one. I’ll keep you orienting to the truth, heart, and essential wholeness of who you are at the edge of great joy and when you need your feet held to the fire of your own journey. You can see what I offer: and sign up to get a little bit of me, direct to your inbox!

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